outfit:3 Marie

Marie (1)

Never saw Aristocats before but,I have 3 cats and I swear dressed up as one my three kittens at some point in the span of this year. I wish my cats were famous so that people around would who I’m dressing as but hey they’re special to me.

Outfit 2: Nami


It’s Nami from One Piece!!! I freckon love her. She inspires me to be a bad bitch everyday, her confidence is of the roof and how she interacts with her friends AKA; Nakama is something I relate to. Obviously I would never wear a mini skirt in a million years so i came up with this. Its perfect for us conservative,plus size girls and my hijabis.

I hope you enjoyed this outfit and tell me what you would change. Is it the top I chose or the skirt? Idk you tell meh!


Outfit 1: Rainbow Dash

rainbow dash (1)

I love Leslie key and her awesome creation disneybound. By no means am I copying what she is doing but, I love fashion,anime,cartoons,movies,TV shows and lastly off course Disney. For a while now I’ve been dressing up as my favorite characters using clothing items from my wardrobe. Disney bounding is a great solution to us nerds but I feel like most of the disneybound outfits are catered towards the western world. I’m from New Zealand but I’m originally from Sudan,Africa and that means I don’t wear short sleeves and skirts on the daily. There’s nothing wrong with that but I find it hard to take inspiration from Leslie’s amazing looks and pinterest so I guess this is an introduction to what I’d be doing on this blog,I’m totally new to blogging in general so I hope you enjoyed this outfit and please let me know what characters you love I’d be down to create a look for you.